Hello World!

Meera Rajeev
2 min readFeb 4, 2018


It all began with a basic hello world program in java and we are already on the path to build apps which will help the local community. The most amazing thing about all of this is that it all happened in roller coaster speed.

On Jan 31st, about 24 of us attended an android development workshop which was conducted by the DSC club of our college and it was organized by Felix Josemon. I have attended lots of workshops where we learn basics, go home and forget all about it within a week. But this was no ordinary workshop. This was more of a mentorship program.

We received emails from Felix asking for a #meetupovercoffee which turned into a #meetupoverlime. During these meetings , Felix told us about how he became a google scholar and how he grabbed all the opportunities during his 2 week trip to San Francisco.


He also asked to form groups and build apps that will have an impact in the society. He gave us a deadline to form the groups by 6 pm on Saturday. Deadlines are something we engineering students start hearing right from the day we enter college. And usually these deadlines mean nothing. So basically, being the lazy person I am, I procrastinated until the last moment. One of my friend and I had planned to form a group and we thought that it would all go smoothly. But time passed and at 5.45 pm, we realized that we had no group and that when a google scholar gives you a deadline, you have to take it seriously!

People started posting their groups and we entered panic mode. Everyone we knew had already formed a group. I started messaging a bunch of random people from the DSC whatsapp group. It was finally 6 pm and Felix started kicking out people from the group. Then I got a call from vaisakh mohan and within 2 minutes we had formed our teams. Vaishak, Zebin Wilson and me were going to be a team. I had no clue who they were or what they did but soon understood that this was indeed going to be a great team. We are already on the path to build apps that will help the society and I really hope that we can do it by our next deadline…which I’m gonna take seriously this time!

